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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Cheap Laptops- Now a Reality

The invention of laptops has given a different connotation to the term 'notebooks'. Perhaps one of the most useful devices in the world, the status of laptop has changed from a luxury to that of a necessity. Laptops have become part of our daily requirements like mobile phones for the simple reason that they can be carried around without any obvious hassle.

The only advantage that the laptop has over a desktop personal computer (certainly a more powerful and reliable machine) is the laptop computer's mobility. Business travellers and executives can move around with their laptops that contains precious data and information. A student can work on assignments or study notes even while relaxing in a park! But earlier the price of these sleek and high-tech machines was a big obstacle in actually laying hands on them. Today this equation has changed.

There are various options and outlets to buy cheap laptops, which are very much usable and affordable. Various online laptop and computer retailers have made buying a laptop for incredibly cheap price easier than commenting on England's performance in Euro 2008 qualifiers! One can either buy decent low cost new laptop computers or if one wants it really cheap then second hand cheap laptops are also available in the outlets online and in the actual brick and mortar stores in the high street.

The internet buyer is getting more and more aware and knows how to find the best deal in the vast world of web. With special deals that offer students lucrative cashback if they purchase a laptops are allowing students to buy laptops with relative ease. Even in case of school, quite a few institutions are giving students laptops to help them do their work. This is good for the future as the younger generation will shape the world of tomorrow and the sooner the get familiar with technology, better is it for the world of tomorrow

7 Tips For Buying Cheap Laptop

Cheap Laptops are gaining in popularity these days. Almost everyone is carrying one now either for work or entertainment. Laptops with the latest technology are introduced to the market everyday and these new laptops come with a huge price tag. However, that does not mean you cannot get a good and cheap laptop. I have put together a guide that may help you out in your hunt for a cheap laptop.

Buy cheap laptop with older technology

Rapid advance in technology makes it meaningless to buy the latest technology at a high price. When laptop with wireless capability first came to the market, a unit with this technology can cost up till US$2500. NOw after 2 years, you can get a relatively fast centrino laptop for less than US$1000

Buy used or refurbished laptop

The depreciation of a laptop value is so high, that after one year in the market, a laptop can easily lose half its value. So if you are looking for a cheap laptop, look for one which is close to one year old. Not all used laptop are in bad condition. You will be surprised to find that some used laptops are still in good condition because their owners are power users or gamers.

Buy laptop from power users or gamers

I like to buy electronic gadgets including laptops from hard core power users or gamers. Let me share with you why. Gamers or power users usually require the latest and most powerful technology to run their games or power hungry applications. They often will not settle for second best. They also have the tendency to chase after the latest technology. So after one year, they will be bored of what they have and will look to sell off their laptops so that they can buy a new one. Now if you are looking to buy cheap laptops with up to date technology and you happen to have friends who are gamers, do ask them if they are looking to sell off their laptops. Who knows, maybe you can buy a good and cheap laptop from them.

Scan through gaming forums and local gaming community

if you do not already have friends who like to play computer games, then scanning through gaming forums on the internet is another way to get good and cheap deals for used laptop. Internet makes it easy for you to do this. Go to and start searching for gaming forums. Visit each and everyone and see if they have a Trading Section. You will definitely find many post from gamers looking to sell their gaming laptops.

Scan through local bulletin boards

Do scan through local bulletin boards near you for cheap deals on laptop.Especially if there are software companies around the area. Software companies do offer their used computers or laptops for sale when their software projects end. I personally had gotten a few good deals for my family and friends.

Look for cheap laptop with at least 512mb memory
This is especially important for used laptop. If the processor speed is slow, then having more memory can compensate for the lack in speed. In fact, The size of memory plays a big part in determining how fast a laptop runs an application. Just by increasing the memory size, you can see a huge difference in speed. A cheap laptop with at least 512mb memory can run most non graphic intensive application easily.

Get cheap laptop from reputable manufacturer
This is very important because if you are buying used laptop, then the chances of requiring servicing is higher than a new laptop. So if you buy from a reputable manufacturer, you will save alot of trouble and time if your laptop do require servicing.